Influence & Persuasion

Half-Day Workshop

How influential are you? Do you easily and effortlessly persuade others to do what you want. If you scored yourself between 1 – 10 where 10 is excellent where might you be? I know it depends! Perhaps on the situation, the people involved, the history . . .

If you want to improve your score then spend a half-day with Yvonne Collier and learn how to be more influential (ethically) and win! Learn how to engage others so you work together collaboratively for agreed best mutual outcomes.  Learn what not to do, what to do and how to do it!


At the end of the half day workshop participants will have practiced tools to:

  • Demonstrate confident behaviours that create a positive first impression
  • Adopt a positive influential and ethical mindset
  • Explore and use language to deliver your communication persuasively
  • Be more present to what motivates you and others

If you would like to polish or add more tools to your ‘Influence and win’ tool kit come along and learn how you can become more influential.

A Series of Three Half-Day Workshops


Session 1: How to create positive impressions and use six sources of influence

By the end of the session you will . . .

For 1st Impressions . . .

  • Identify key factors
  • Develop strategies to create a positive 1st impression
  • Demonstrate the behaviours to create a positive 1st impression

For the six sources of influence . . .

  • Identify the six key dimensions
  • Explore what this means to you
  • Create and develop strategies to deliver greater influence
  • And develop an action plan to implement

Session 2: How to persuade and convince others - ethically

By the end of the session you will . . .

  • Explore 3 influence / persuasion models
  • Practice and demonstrate specific influence and persuasion tools and techniques
  • Ask for what you want
  • Design a road map to persuade and convince yourself and others
  • And develop an action plan to implement

Session 3: How to manage and resolving conflicts / disagreements in a positive and constructive manner

By the end of the session you will . . .

  • Identify your blocks to resolving conflict
  • Explore 2 models to resolve conflict
  • Use 5 key tools / techniques to resolve conflict
  • Handle your stress with proven techniques
  • And develop an action plan to implement

Recent Feedback

I learnt several useful tools to use in a conflict and became aware of the root causes of conflict, peoples responses and I plan to address the needs before they become an issue. I now have more options to handle conflict better.  Greg R

Great course. Well taught. Very interactive, I have key strategies and techniques for conflict resolution. Zayd